NATHHAN National Challenged Homeschoolers Associated Network

Christian Families Homeschooling Special Needs Children

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NATHHAN Lending Library

Want to receive lending library books in the mail?

 Your name, address, phone and email is required.

1.) Books are due back postmarked no later than 4 weeks after the date on the envelope. Look on the invoice inside the package.

2.) Please include a donation to cover our cost for postage and envelope. The amount of postage is marked outside on the package:

3.) Please return the invoice with the books.

*We normally send only 3 books per use. You are welcome to reserve others with your order. When you receive your books please make note of the due date. If you need extra time because of delayed postage or other reasons be sure to contact us.

Lending Library Catalog


 Shipping Information

First name



Last name












Zip/Postal Code









*Asterisk  indicates required field.

List the books you would like to borrow from the library

You may list as many items as you would like.  We will send them to you as soon as they come in. Usually we send three at a time.

1# Book Title

1# Shelf Number

2# Book Title

2# Shelf Number

3# Book Title

3# Shelf Number

4# Book Title

4# Shelf Number

5# Book Title

5# Shelf Number

6# Book Title

6# Shelf Number

7# Book Title

7# Shelf Number

8# Book Title

8# Shelf Number

9# Book Title

9# Shelf Number

10# Book Title

10# Shelf Number