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Curriculum and Teaching Encouragement 

Learning by Mnemonics - a tried and true method of learning AND NATHHAN Resource Review of Stevenson Learning Skills plus Semple Math  by Tom and Sherry Bushnell

Simple Concepts that are Hard to Get - By Tom and Sherry Bushnell

Teaching Special Needs Children with Their Siblings Stephen and Ramona Hull, Sheila Scott, Tom and Sherry Bushnell,  Fall 1996  NATHHAN NEWS

Before Reading Begins - By Tom and Sherry Bushnell NATHHAN News Winter 97/98

Homeschooling Failure? By Sherry Bushnell

Learning To Teach - What To Do When Your Student's Favorite Answer is...."I Don't Know" by Sharon Hensley Article taken from her Newsletter Turning Challenges Into Opportunities

I'll Make My Own Curriculum!We have been happiest in homeschooling when we have taken the time to prepare a "curriculum" ourselves...

Learning To Dig For Resources Imagine, if you will, a miner. His eyes are set in firm determination to find that elusive gold. Over his burly shoulder is a...

Curriculum for Learning Disabled Students: More Than Just Textbooks and Workbooks Ask virtually any parent what "curriculum" means and you'll get a variety of answers such as ....

Designing and Implementing an IEP Using a Functional Curriculum In spite of public awareness and the "free and appropriate education law," ...

The Curriculum Dilemma What is meant to be a pleasure and a blessing, can readily become a curse as we face yet another summer of choices...