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Deaf Homeschool Network

The Deaf Homeschool Network

c/o The Agenbroads

116 Jerome Silverton, OR 97381

(503) 873-8451 E-mail

    Deaf Homeschool Network is a nationwide group designed to support and unite home schooling families with members who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Through our newsletter, e-mail discussion list and personal networking, we share ideas on how to meet our special homeschooling needs. Back issues are available for $4.00/year (Editor's note: Publication began in 1997. These would a gold mine for families just starting out homeschooling with deafness or who are interested in homeschooling with an auditory language deficit or hearing impairment.)

    If you wish to subscribe to their newsletters send a message to: Leave the subject line blank and in the body type: subscribe DHSN-List


Now offering FREE membership!



What are families dealing with deafness using for curriculum?

What methods are folks using to teach phonics? Is it cued speech, lip reading, sign?